Pregnancy, Breech Babies, Children, • 20/07/2022 Verity – 3rd baby was breech at 37 weeks The baby turned around within a week, using Webster. Previous Gary – recommended by a tennis friend for his lower back and hip pain Next Olivia - 36 weeks pregnant, avoiding ventouse, preparing her pelvis for a natural birth You Might Also Like Stuart - 40 years of low back pain, tried manual types of chiropractic before James – lower back pain with two injured discs, affecting his moods and activities. Emily – 37 weeks’ scan showed breech position of her baby Adam - back pain from ongoing psychological pressures Derek – chronic back pain
Pregnancy, Breech Babies, Children, • 20/07/2022 Verity – 3rd baby was breech at 37 weeks The baby turned around within a week, using Webster. Previous Gary – recommended by a tennis friend for his lower back and hip pain Next Olivia - 36 weeks pregnant, avoiding ventouse, preparing her pelvis for a natural birth You Might Also Like Stuart - 40 years of low back pain, tried manual types of chiropractic before James – lower back pain with two injured discs, affecting his moods and activities. Emily – 37 weeks’ scan showed breech position of her baby Adam - back pain from ongoing psychological pressures Derek – chronic back pain